The story of Wix & Burn: A journey of passion and purpose.

I’ve always been drawn to candles—their soft glow and comforting warmth bring peace and tranquility to my home. As a dog lover with two cats, I often find myself seeking stronger scents to freshen up my space and mask the occasional wet dog smell! 😄 But as I explored the candle world, I quickly realized how many of them failed to live up to my expectations. I wanted a scent that would linger in the air, just like the perfumes I adore wearing.
When I saw luxury candles with hefty price tags, I knew I needed to think differently. I dreamed of capturing the essence of those refined, elegant fragrances and making them accessible to everyone. I wanted to create something special—luxury without the steep cost.
Along the way, I also discovered my love for beautifully packaged gift boxes—something that could turn a simple gift into a memorable experience. I envisioned a product that was not only a candle but a thoughtful and beautiful experience to be shared.
After 14 years in higher education, I decided to take a bold step and leave my comfort zone earlier this year. That leap opened up a world of new opportunities, giving me the freedom to pursue my passion. Today, I am proud to share with you Wix & Burn—a brand born from passion, purpose, and the desire to make everyday moments feel extraordinary.